Cosmetic periorbital surgery is the most rejuvenating and most common of all facial surgeries performed by cosmetic surgeons today. Blepharoplasty means a cosmetic surgery of eyelids (both upper and/or lower eyelids) done to produce youthful aesthetically pleasing eyelids. Properly conceived and executed, it can give tremendous joy for both surgeon and the patient.
BASIC PRINCIPLES & GOALS OF BLEPHAROPLASTY SURGERY (IN ASSOCIATION WITH OTHER COMPLEMENTARY PERIORBITAL SURGERIES) ARE ---- Maintaing periorbital aesthetics by proper brow positioning, corrugator muscle removal and lid fold invagination when benefecial; Restoration of tone and position of lateral canthus and along with it restoration of a youthful and attractive intercanthal axis tilt; restoration of the tone and posture of the lower lids; Preservation of maximal lid skin and muscles as well as orbital fat; Lifting the midface through reinforced canthopexy; Correction of suborbital malar grooves by suborbital malar implants; Control of septal fat by septal restraint or quantity reduction; Removal of only that tissue (skin, muscle, fat) that is truly excessive on the upper and lower lids; In the upper lid the goals also include preservation of upper orbital fullness and a defined upper lid crease & in the lower eyelids the goals include a smooth transition between the cheek and lid while restoring youthful eye shape; Modification of skin incision to remove prominent wrinkling and excision of small growth and blemishes can also be done.
PREOPERATIVE WORKUP /EVALUATION OF A PATIENT OF BLEPHAROPLASTY SURGERY -- Considering the close proximity to eye, the preoperative workup of the patient is tremendously important. A thorough history and physical examination should be performed before the surgery. In addition an adequate eye history encourages positive outcomes and reduces eye complications. One should look for symmetry or asymmetry between the 2 eyes & the shape of the eye, the prominence or asymmetry of the globes and evidence of exposure and dryness. History of wearing contact lenses should be asked for as ptosis and canthopexy surgery may alter corneal curvature and require the the contact lens be refitted. The patient should discontinue contact lens wear before the surgery and leave the lens out for atleast 2 weeks after surgery to allow healing without the need to manipulate the eyelid. A previous history of LASIK, photorefractive keratectomy & other surgeries are important as canthopexies and levator surgery can affect the refractive characteristics. A good policy is no cosmetic surgery of the periorbital region for at least 1 month after refractive surgery of any kind. A history of glaucoma, strabismus, and cataract surgery should be asked for. Any ocular condition may affect the type or result of eyelid surgery. Chronic eye irritation such as tearing, dryness, excessive blinking, discharge, eyelid inflammation, crusting,burning or itching, pemphigus must be brought under control before surgery. Graves disease / hyperthyroidism presents with puffy eyelids too, so preoperative evaluation include screening lab work including free T4 as well as endocrine consultation.
Complications of Blepharoplasty like haemorrhage, diplopia, ptosis, lagophthalmos, are rare and can be prevented to a great extent by understanding the anatomy and mechanics of the periorbita. Cost of Eye Lid Surgery may vary depending on the type of anaesthesia used, whether a both upper and/or lower lid was operated upon & associated periorbital surgery. **Eyelid Surgery – Looking for Eye Lid Surgery in Gurgaon? Contact to Dr. Raja the best eyelid surgeon Gurgaon offers blepharoplasty eyelid surgery in Gurgaon Delhi NCR Mob. 7042355075**