Dr. Raja Banerjee

(Cosmetic Surgeon)


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Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery, done to improve the contour of the abdominal wall; in a patient , with abdominal skin excess with or without laxity of the abdominal muscles . It is done in many cases in patients, who have excess of fat in the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal wall in which case, it is combined with liposuction, which is known as lipoabdominoplasty. It is of tremendous benefit in a patient with protruding abdomen, who is bothered about his looks because of his abdominal girth.

The preoperative work up In a patient scheduled for Surgery of Tummy Tuck surgery/Lipoabdominoplasty, is very important. The physical examination assesses degree of skin laxity, muscular laxity and excess fat in the subcutaneous tissue. Body mass index (BMI) should be determined, by assesing the height and the weght of the patient .Fat deposition pattern in the body is noted. Presence of Hernia, Scars and striae on the skin of abdomen is also noted. Associated illness like lung disease, heart disease & diabetes should be noted; and corrected or controlled before taking up the patient for surgery. Smoking & Medicines interfering with surgery should be stopped at least 2 weeks before the surgery.

Depending on the extent of surgery (which depends on the associated clinical findings) Abdominoplasty/Lipoabdominoplasty Surgery can be categorised into different types (or grades)---


MINI ABDOMINOPLASTY SURGERY -- This is done in a patient of Infraumbilical skin excess, who may have laxity of the infraumbilical musculoaponeurotic layer; fat may or may not be in excess . The surgery consists of -- Lower abdominal skin resection, suture of rectus sheath from pubis to umbilicus as needed & suction assisted lipectomy when needed.


MODIFIED OR EXTENDED MINIABDOMINOPLASTY – This is done in a patient of infraumbilical with/without mild supraumbilical skin excess , with laxity of the overall musculoaponeurotic layer; fat may or may not be in excess . The surgery consists of -- Lower abdominal skin resection, transection of the umbilical stalk or umbilical translocation with closure of donor site, suture of the rectus sheath from pubis to the xiphoid as needed & suction assisted lipectomy when needed.


FULL TRADITIONAL CLASSIC ABDOMINOPLASTY – This is done in a patient of infraumbilical and supraumbilical skin excess,who may have laxity of the musculoaponeurotic layer, fat may or may not be in excess . The surgery consists of --- Resection of skin from pubis to umbilicus, suture of rectus sheath from pubis to xiphoid as needed, umbilical translocation & Suction assisted lipectomy when needed.


POSTOPERATIVE CARE & COMPLICATIONS OF ABDOMINOPLASTY /LIPOABDOMINOPLASTY -- The patient is encouraged to get out of bed as soon as possible and walk to the toilet, afters he/she recovers from anaesthesia. He is advised to avoid heavy weight lifting or strenous exercise for 4-6 weeks after surgery. Wearing compression garments is very important, for a few months following surgery. Postoperative complications like – Haematoma, seroma, wound dehiscence, infection can occur in a very few cases & those can be prevented by taking meticulous precautions during surgery and in immediate post operative period.


COST OF TUMMY TUCK SURGERY may vary from individual to individual, depending on; if Liposuction was done or not; the type of abdominoplasty procedure done and sometimes on the hospital stay of the patient.


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